Sketchup Blog - News and Notes from the Sketchup folks

Announcing the Madrid SketchUp Plugin Conference

When someone writes a plugin for SketchUp, he or she isn’t just looking to cram a few more icons into your toolbar. Plugins help users solve important design and workflow problems, so plugin developers have to be as keyed into the needs of SketchUp users as we are. Our Ruby API is a canvas, but it is the ingenuity of developers that makes the plugin community truly remarkable.

Today, I’m happy to announce that Íscar, the Spanish SketchUp Pro reseller and Authorized Training Center, is hosting the first-ever SketchUp Plugin Conference this fall.

The details:
Íscar’s conference will take place September 5th - 7th, 2012 in Madrid, Spain. The event is focused on the needs of plugin developers, distributors and resellers, though it’s open to everyone. The conference will be a venue for developers to present their plugins, share tips with other plugin authors, and even find new distribution channels for products. Users will see demos of the latest and greatest plugins, and have a chance to compare notes with people from around Europe and the rest of the world.

This conference is not being organized by the SketchUp team but we are co-sponsoring it, and a few of us will be in attendance. We may even cook up a presentation or two.

Register for the conference here. Questions? Check out this FAQ.

Posted by Chris Cronin, SketchUp Business Development

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tuffdude said...

that would be awsome!
it would be really helpful if u could develop a plugin that find the crashes in vray , causing it not to start rendering without giving reason .. a plugin that finds crashed materials ..

StopAudio said...

thank for sharing information keep update it

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